Margaret Huntley Last Updated On: August 20, 2024

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What Texans Should Know About SR-22 Insurance?

SR-22 Insurance Texas
If your driver’s license was revoked, in order to get it reinstated in Texas, you have to prove to the State that you carry the appropriate amount of insurance. The following is a list of reasons that may result in your license being revoked:
  • Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) 
  • Refusing a blood alcohol test 
  • Driving without insurance 
  • Driving with insurance that does not meet minimum state requirements 
  • Multiple traffic violations in a short period of time
But losing your license isn’t the only reason that you may need to file an SR-22. An SR-22 is also required if you are caught:

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Why an SR-22 Form is Required?

Whether they demonstrate dangerous driving practices or demonstrate an inability to make payments on time, all of the actions in the previous lists flag you as a high-risk driver. Because of this, the State needs to be assured that you have sufficient coverage and that you are making regular payments to your insurer. 

SR-22 vs Insurance Coverage

An SR-22 form should not be confused with insurance coverage. What an SR-22 form does is prove to the State that you do have insurance. Sometimes the coverage that an SR-22 form proves is referred to as SR-22 insurance, but this does not mean that they are one and the same.

How to File an SR-22 Form?

An SR-22 form needs to be filed with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). There are just four easy steps to go about this process:

  1. Find Insurer: Not all insurance providers offer insurance to those who require an SR-22 form. If your current provider does not offer that kind of insurance, or if you find a better price at a different company, the first step is to contact that company about receiving their coverage.
  2. Pay: Your insurer will charge a flat fee between $15 and $50 (depending on the provider) for filling out your SR-22 form for you. There will likely be additional penalties and fees determined by your provider for this service. Remember that an SR-22 form is proving your reliability to the State, so you have to be prepared to make all payments in full.
  3. File: For a fee, your insurer can file your SR-22 form for you digitally. You can either ask them to do this for you, or you can ask for a copy of the form and file it to Texas DPS yourself. This can be done through the mail. Whether you file the form yourself, or with your insurer, be sure to keep a copy for your records.
  4. Receive Confirmation: Once the DPS has your form on file, the DPS website will update your status to “eligible.” This means that you are now eligible to reinstate your license. Keep in mind that reinstating it will cost you $100.

These are the basic steps that most people will need to follow. There are some exceptions that will require additional steps. For example, if you are a repeat DWI offender you will also need to show proof that you have completed a repeat-offender DWI program. 

Speaking with your insurance provider transparently is the best way to ensure that you have all of your bases covered. 

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How Long an SR-22 Form is Required?

In Texas, you must keep an SR-22 form filed for two years. After this two-year period is up, it is your responsibility to contact your insurer that the form is no longer necessary. They will then aid you in removing it. 

SR-22 Coverage

Texas law requires that your policy provides:
  • $30,000 bodily injury coverage per person injured in an accident 
  • $60,000 bodily injury coverage per accident 
  • $25,000 property damage coverage per accident

Cost of SR-22 Insurance

Because SR-22 drivers are high-risk drivers, the cost of your insurance after filing this form drastically increases. You will be looking at a 75-100% increase on your insurance rates for minimal coverage. Depending on your provider, your yearly rate can be between $800 and $3 000. 

The best ways to save money are to practice safe driving, compare rates at different companies, ask providers about discounts offered to specific groups (like alumni or veterans discounts), and make all payments on time.   

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Margaret Huntley Margaret Huntley is a creative writing and philosophy student at Western University. She has been working as a freelance writer for over two years and has written about everything from insurance, to poker, to health and wellness for international businesses.

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