Margaret Huntley is a creative writing and philosophy student at Western University. She has been working as a freelance writer for over two years and has written about everything from insurance, to poker, to health and wellness for international businesses.

Articles by Margaret Huntley

  • Renewable Term Life Insurance

    A Comprehensive Guide on How To Get Renewable Term Life Insurance The first step to renewing a term life insurance policy is understanding what term life insurance is and how it works. A term life insurance policy lasts for a set period of time. Usually, the term will last between 10, 20, or 30 years.… Continue reading Renewable Term Life Insurance

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  • Medical Payments Coverage In Homeowners Insurance

    Medical Payment Coverage in Homeowners Insurance Policies: How Does it Work? In every standard homeowner’s insurance policy, there is a section called medical payment insurance. This can be found under the section of your homeowners policy called Coverage F. Medical payment insurance is meant to help cover the medical expenses that arise due to minor… Continue reading Medical Payments Coverage In Homeowners Insurance

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  • Level Term Life Insurance

    What Is Level Term Life Insurance? Life insurance policies wherein the premium payments stay the same throughout the entire term, and the death benefit is paid in full, no matter when in the term you pass, is called level term life insurance. Often both the level premiums and level benefits are combined in a single… Continue reading Level Term Life Insurance

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  • Decreasing Term Life Insurance

    Understanding Decreasing Term Life Insurance Term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that lasts for a set amount of time. This ‘term’ can last anywhere between 5 and 30 years. If you pass away within this term, then a lump sum of money, called a death benefit, is paid to your beneficiaries. … Continue reading Decreasing Term Life Insurance

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  • SR-22 Insurance Texas

    What Texans Should Know About SR-22 Insurance? If your driver’s license was revoked, in order to get it reinstated in Texas, you have to prove to the State that you carry the appropriate amount of insurance. The following is a list of reasons that may result in your license being revoked: Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)… Continue reading SR-22 Insurance Texas

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  • Personal Property Insurance

    Everything You Need to Know About Personal Property Insurance Personal property insurance refers to the section of your homeowners or renters insurance policy that provides coverage for your personal belongings. In most homeowners policies, Coverage C is the section that addresses personal property coverage. Personal Property Your personal property includes all of your belongings within… Continue reading Personal Property Insurance

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  • How Speeding Tickets Affect Your Insurance?

    Does A Speeding Ticket Affect Your Insurance? If you’re caught driving over the speed limit, you will be issued a speeding ticket. The consequences of said ticket will likely extend beyond just the fine and affect your insurance rates. Here’s a breakdown of exactly how that ticket may affect your insurance coverage. When and How… Continue reading How Speeding Tickets Affect Your Insurance?

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