Claire Smith Last Updated On: July 25, 2023

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Your Guide to Car Insurance in Ohio

With over 11 million residents and approximately 260 thousand miles of road, Ohio is home to a lot of drivers. And wherever there’s drivers, you’ll also find car insurance

If you’re a driver who calls Ohio home, this is the right article for you. Buck up and get ready to read all about automobile insurance in the Buckeye state! 

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Average Cost of Car Insurance in Ohio

The search for affordable car insurance in Ohio should actually be quite easy. This is because Ohio’s average premiums are over 30% below the national average.

The average Ohio car insurance policy will run you $1 028 per year. Not bad, right?

It would sure be nice to end the article here, and just tell you this is what car insurance costs in the state. But things are never quite that simple.

While $1 028 is the average cost of car insurance in Ohio, it’s not necessarily reflective of what all Ohioans will pay for their policy. This is because car insurance prices are determined based on several variables including:

  • Age 
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Driving history 
  • Credit score 
  • Policy type 

You can and should use the average figure as a baseline to compare Ohio car insurance quotes against, however, don’t be surprised if they aren’t identical.

Ohio Legal Minimum Insurance

State laws require all drivers to carry insurance. If you drive without insurance, you are subject to fines and other legal penalties. Plus, you’re left vulnerable to insane expenses in the event of an accident.

Each state has their own requirements for the least amount of insurance required in order to legally operate a vehicle. Ohio mandates that all drivers must carry liability insurance with the following limits:

  • $25 000 per person for Bodily Injury Protection
  • $50 000 per accident for Bodily Injury Protection
  • $25 000 per accident for Property Damage Liability 

In Ohio, the average cost for a bare-bones policy which only includes the minimum coverage is $366 annually. 

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More Auto Insurance Coverage Options

We advise all consumers to carry more than just the legal minimum insurance. Having additional coverage further protects you and your wallet.

Drivers have the option to purchase Ohio auto insurance policies with any or all of the following additional coverages:

  • Full Coverage Policy: The standard coverage that’s recommended to all consumers is known as a full coverage policy”. These policies include:
    • Collision Coverage, which is for damages that result from a collision, and 
    • Comprehensive Coverage, which is for damages that result from other events such as theft, vandalism, or weather. 
  • Loan/Lease Payoff: As soon as you drive a vehicle off the lot, its value depreciates. Driving a loaned or leased vehicle can be risky because you are responsible for the whole value of the vehicle at the time of purchase. But most insurance policies only pay for the current value of the vehicle at the time of the claim. Loan/lease payoff insurance accounts for this added financial burden. 
  • Medical Payments: Car accidents and medical expenses tend to go hand-in-hand. Having coverage for medical payments can be a great help in paying off medical debt. 
  • Rental Car Reimbursement: Whether your vehicle was totaled and you’re awaiting a new one or it’s being repaired in the shop, chances are a rental vehicle would be helpful in the meantime. Coverage for rental cars means that you don’t need to worry about the price of renting a car while your own is out of use. 

Of course, everyone has different lifestyles, circumstances, and budgets. The wide range of options to choose from allows you to select the best car insurance policy for your individual needs.

How To Find Cheap Car Insurance in Ohio

One thing that we’re confident all consumers have in common, is that they want to find the cheapest car insurance in Ohio without sacrificing quality coverage. Because, come on, who doesn’t love saving money? There are loads of ways for individuals to save on insurance, and we just happen to be experts in that area. Here are our favourite tips on how to save money and find cheap auto insurance in Ohio:
  • Compare Quotes from the Best Insurers in Ohio
    • The market for insurance is a competitive one, and that is to the benefit of consumers like you. Insurance agencies are constantly offering competitive prices for the conscious consumer to take advantage of. 
    • We recommend getting Ohio auto insurance quotes from as many companies as possible so that you can aptly choose the best deal. 
    • These companies are the cheapest in Ohio and are a good place to start getting quotes from:
      • USAA
      • Erie Insurance
      • State Farm 
      • Travelers 
      • GEICO 
  • Enquire About Discounts and Bundling Deals 
    • Another aspect of the competitive insurance market is the different discounts that are available. Many insurers offer alumni, loyalty, veterans, and many other types of discounts on insurance. Be sure to ask which ones you could be eligible for! 
    • Often insurance companies will encourage bundling multiple policies under the same carrier. Most commonly, you can bundle your home insurance with your car insurance. 
  • Practise Save Driving 
    • Safe driving gets you where you are going safely and securely, which is reason enough on its own to practise it. But it also comes with money-saving advantages too. 
    • Insurance companies determine premiums based on risk, and the safer you drive, the lower your risk. Regardless of what your driving record looks like at present, keeping it clean going forward means long-term savings. 
  • Consult with Insurance Professionals 
    • We don’t know or care what your job is. You could be a lawyer, baker, physicist, or even a professional cat therapist. Whatever it is, odds are that you know a whole lot more about it than we do. 
    • Insurance professionals at ConsumerCoverage possess a wealth of knowledge about insurance because we’re paid to! We can help you find the best policy at the best price. 
With these tips in your back pocket, you can save tons of money on your Ohio auto insurance policy.

Teen Drivers in Ohio

Being sixteen is sweet for a lot of reasons, but car insurance prices aren’t one of them. In fact, teenage drivers in Ohio pay an average of $3 490 per year which is drastically above the state average.

Because teenage drivers lack experience, their premiums are much higher than others. That’s why it’s especially crucial to implement the money-saving tips we provided above when insuring a teenaged driver.

Additionally, you should be conscious of the teen driving laws and make sure that they are strictly adhered to:

  • Temporary/Instruction Permit
    • Given at 15 and 6 months of age after passing a written and visual exam at BMV.
    • Driver must enrol in a driver’s education program. 
    • Driver must complete 50 hours of supervised driving with at least 10 of those hours occurring at night. 
  • Probationary License 
    • Given after passing a road test after 6 months with a temporary permit. 
    • Driver cannot use electronic devices.
    • Driver cannot drive between 12am and 6am unless for work, school, religious events, or medical emergencies.
    • Driver cannot have more than one non-family member passenger without parental supervision. 
  • Full License 
    • Given once driver turns 18 without any violations. 

Practising safe driving habits and following the law ensures teen drivers are safe, saving money, and properly enjoying the privilege of driving.


We made it! This blog has answered everything from “how much is car insurance in Ohio?” to “how can I find the cheapest policy?” 

If you still have questions about auto insurance in the state, or literally any other type of insurance, you can reach out to us at ConsumerCoverage and we’d be delighted to help you.  

You can also access our online resources including blogs, articles, and videos, and you can get access to free Ohio car insurance quotes.

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Claire Smith Claire is a creative entrepreneur with a variety of marketing and content creation skills, including blog and web copy writing, research, and strategy. She has a Masters in Cultural Studies from Queen's University and is known for thinking laterally about marketing, based on her deep knowledge of people and behavior.


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