How Does Your Car Make And Model Impact Your Insurance Rates? When you buy a new car, you’re probably crunching numbers. Maybe you’re estimating the cost of taxes and registration, or determining what your monthly auto loan payment will be. But whether you’re buying or leasing a car, it’s important to think about how that… Continue reading How Does Your Car Make and Model Impact Your Insurance Rates?
Read MoreDoes Insurance Cover Snow Accidents? Driving in the winter is full of hazards, and no matter how careful you are, sometimes you just can’t avoid an accident. But does insurance cover snow accidents? It’s important to understand what is and isn’t covered before you take to the snowy roads. Whether insurance covers snow accidents depends… Continue reading Does insurance cover snow accidents?
Read MoreDoes Having a Dashcam Lower Insurance? You’ve seen those videos floating around social media of crazy car accidents and drivers acting recklessly while on the road. Some of them are so extreme that you wouldn’t believe them if you hadn’t actually witnessed the behavior, but thanks to dash cams, that’s possible. Dash cams are becoming… Continue reading Insurance Benefits of Installing a Dashcam
Read MoreDoes Car Insurance Cover Medical Expenses? After a car accident, you and your passengers might have medical expenses. While car insurance covers vehicle damage and medical expenses of the other driver, your insurance won’t necessarily cover your medical bills. Does auto insurance cover medical expenses? The answer isn’t totally straightforward, but it’s important to understand… Continue reading Does car insurance cover medical expenses?
Read MoreAre car Accident Settlements Taxable? If you’ve been in a car accident and experienced physical injuries, lost income, or emotional distress, you may be able to sue the at-fault driver’s car insurance company. Often, car insurance companies will settle out of court, offering you a settlement intended to cover those losses. If you agree to… Continue reading Are car accident settlements taxable?
Read MoreWhat happens if someone else crashes your car? If a friend asks to borrow your car, helping them out by letting them borrow your vehicle might seem like an easy decision. But if your friend gets into an accident while driving your car, that act of generosity can become more complicated. Before you lend out… Continue reading What happens if someone else crashes your car?
Read MoreIs Car Insurance Tax Deductible? Car insurance is a necessary expense, and it might be one that you’re hoping to write off from your taxes. But whether car insurance is tax deductible will depend on your career and how you’re using your vehicle. Car insurance is usually tax deductible when you’re using your vehicle for… Continue reading Is Car Insurance Tax Deductible?
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