Paige Cerulli Last Updated On: August 20, 2024

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Does Car Insurance Cover Scratches and Dents?

Does Car Insurance Cover Scratches And Dents

If your car is damaged in an accident, your car insurance company will probably help cover most of the repair costs. But if your car sustains more minor damage, like scratches or dents, things aren’t quite as straightforward. You’ll need to understand whether your insurance covers these types of repairs, as well as whether it makes financial sense to rely on your car insurance company to cover the cost of repairing scratches and dents.

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What Happens If Someone Dents Your Car?

Whether your car insurance covers scratches and dents will depend on the type of coverage you have. Most of the time, these types of repairs will be covered under a collision or comprehensive policy.

Your collision insurance will usually cover scratch and dent repairs that result from an accident in which you hit another car or an object, like a tree or guardrail. You’ll have to pay a deductible before the insurance will pay for the claim.

If you have comprehensive coverage, that policy will cover damage that results from events that don’t involve a collision with a vehicle or object. For example, if your car is vandalized, the insurance would cover the cost of repairing the scratches or dents. If a tree falls on your car and dents it, this would also be covered. Just like your collision insurance, you’ll need to pay a deductible if you file a comprehensive coverage claim.

When Doesn’t Insurance Cover Scratches or Dents?

While you may have the option of filing a car insurance claim to fix scratches or dents, there are several instances where your insurance may not cover this damage:
  • You don’t have collision or comprehensive insurance. States don’t require you to carry collision or comprehensive insurance. If you only have minimum coverage and haven’t purchased these policies, your insurance won’t cover scratch and dent repairs.
  • You deliberately created the damage. If you deliberately kicked your car and caused a dent, and your insurance company becomes aware of this information, your claim will be denied.
  • Scratches and dents result from normal wear and tear. With time and use, your car will almost certainly develop some minor scratches and dents. These aren’t covered by your car insurance.
  • The damage is old. If the damage occurred years ago and you just filed a claim, most insurance companies will deny the claim.

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Can You Claim On Car Insurance For Scratches?

If you believe your insurance will cover the damage, you’ll need to consider whether it makes sense to file a claim. Scratch and dent repairs can be quite affordable, so consider getting a quote for the repairs before deciding if you want to file. You’ll want to weigh the cost of the repairs against what you’ll pay for your deductible – in some cases, your deductible might be close to or even more than the repair cost. Keep in mind, too, that filing a claim can increase your insurance premiums.

Want to add on collision or comprehensive coverage? You can get a free, personalized car insurance quote today.

Paige Cerulli Paige Cerulli is a freelance content writer and journalist who specializes in personal finance topics. She graduated from Westfield State University and brings more than a decade of professional writing experience to the ConsumerCoverage team. Paige’s work has appeared in outlets including USA Today, Business Insider, and more.

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