Home / Blog / Auto Insurance / Does insurance cover snow accidents?
Driving in the winter is full of hazards, and no matter how careful you are, sometimes you just can’t avoid an accident. But does insurance cover snow accidents? It’s important to understand what is and isn’t covered before you take to the snowy roads.
Whether insurance covers snow accidents depends on the type of accident and the coverage that you have. Collision coverage pays for costs caused by an accident where you hit another car or an object, so if you slide on the snow and hit a car, you’ll be covered.
But if a tree branch breaks under the weight of snow and falls onto your car, you won’t be covered unless you also have comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage applies to damage that occurs in non-accident events, like falling objects or severe weather, like hail.
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So, does car insurance cover storm damage? Comprehensive car insurance covers weather damage, such damage caused by hail, windstorms, lightning, and more. It can also cover damage caused if your vehicle is hit by falling ice. Similarly, comprehensive coverage can include damage to your windshield caused by hail or ice.
And does car insurance cover snow damage? A comprehensive policy could cover damage caused by a snow storm, but if you only have collision coverage on your car, snow damage that doesn’t involve an actual collision won’t be covered.
Before you drive in the winter, make sure your vehicle is ready for the challenge. If you live in an area that frequently sees snow, it’s a good idea to invest in snow tires to provide your car with extra traction.
Try to avoid driving during snow storms if possible. You’ll be minimizing risk to yourself and your vehicle, plus you’ll be helping to keep the roads free of traffic so plow truck drivers can better do their jobs.
Park strategically in the winter. Try to avoid parking underneath any trees, since ice and snow can weigh down limbs and cause them to fall onto your vehicle.
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Your collision policy should cover any type of a car accident when you hit another car or object, even if snow causes the accident. If you want more protection, consider adding comprehensive coverage, which gives you protection from non-collision events, like if an icy branch falls onto your car.
To get the best deal on car insurance, shop around and compare policies. When comparing coverage, look not only at the premium costs, but also consider factors like each policy’s deductible, exclusions, and coverage limits. You may also be eligible for discounts, which can help keep the cost of your car insurance down.
You can get free car insurance quotes online today to start shopping around and comparing your options. Make sure that you have the coverage you need before you drive your vehicle this winter.
Paige Cerulli Paige Cerulli is a freelance content writer and journalist who specializes in personal finance topics. She graduated from Westfield State University and brings more than a decade of professional writing experience to the ConsumerCoverage team. Paige’s work has appeared in outlets including USA Today, Business Insider, and more.