Paige Cerulli Last Updated On: August 20, 2024

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Do Professional Writers Need Business Insurance?

While it might seem like there’s minimal risk in working as a professional writer, it’s still possible that you could be sued because of the content you create. While you might not need the same insurance that the owner of a construction company or medical device retailer would, it’s a good idea for professional writers to buy business insurance.

Every writer’s business is slightly different, so you’ll need to examine your business structure and the types of writing you do to decide if you should buy business insurance. Let’s take a look at some common risks writers face.

Risks of a Professional Writing Space

If you own a writing business and work out of an office space where you meet with clients or interview article sources, consider buying a more traditional business insurance policy. Business property insurance could help to cover your furniture, computer, and other items, and business liability coverage would help protect you if a client or source were ever injured while at your office.

Liability Risks of Writing Professionally

The type of writing you do also brings some inherent liability risks. Consider whether your writing could cause harm to readers. For example, if you write about medical trends or health tips, a reader who follows that advice but is injured because of it could potentially sue you. Libel is another potential risk, depending on the type of writing you do. For example, journalists are often sued for libel. If you craft social media posts for a business and infringe on another’s copyright, the business – and you – could be sued. If you handle a business’ sensitive information and you’re the victim of a cyber attack, you could be liable for the compromised data. And, if you fail to deliver the work promised in a contract, a client could sue you for breach of contract. Several types of insurance can help protect you:
  • General liability insurance can cover expenses if a client or media source is injured while at your office.
  • Media liability insurance, also called professional liability insurance, helps cover legal costs if you’re ever sued for breach of contract.
  • A business owner’s policy combines general liability coverage and commercial property insurance to protect you against multiple writing industry risks.
  • Cyber liability coverage helps pay for expenses if you’re the victim of a cyberattack.

Required Insurance for Freelance Writers

Do freelance writers need insurance? In many cases, yes. If you’re unsure whether you should buy insurance, it’s best to talk to a lawyer, who can review your business structure and the type of writing you do and make recommendations for how you can best protect yourself.  

Even if you decide to operate without insurance, you might have to buy coverage to work with certain clients. Businesses are increasingly requiring their freelance writers to have a minimum amount of insurance. The freelance writers are responsible for purchasing the policy, and this requirement is often written into the contracts signed by the business and freelance writer.

How to Buy Business Insurance as a Professional Writer

To buy professional liability insurance, you must determine how much coverage you should buy. Next, look for a policy that offers at least that much coverage. If you’re offered a package of different coverages, look at what’s included and make sure that you need those different types of policies.

If you’d like to explore insurance for your writing business, you can start by getting a free business insurance quote today.

Paige Cerulli Paige Cerulli is a freelance content writer and journalist who specializes in personal finance topics. She graduated from Westfield State University and brings more than a decade of professional writing experience to the ConsumerCoverage team. Paige’s work has appeared in outlets including USA Today, Business Insider, and more.

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