Paige Cerulli Last Updated On: August 22, 2023

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Find Affordable Health Insurance in Louisiana

A quality health insurance plan means that you can access the healthcare you need, when you need it. Knowing you’re insured gives you peace of mind and lets you focus on your health instead of on finances.

Finding the right health insurance plan can be challenging, and it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why we’ve outlined the essential details about how to find affordable health insurance in Louisiana.

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The Average Cost of Health Insurance in Louisiana

The average cost of health insurance in Louisiana varies depending on the plan level that you select. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Premium plans are available, with Bronze plans being the most affordable, but carrying higher deductibles. Gold plans are some of the more expensive options, but they also carry lower deductibles, making them popular for people with frequent or significant healthcare needs.


Average Premium for Health Insurance in Louisiana

Most Affordable Bronze Plan


Most Affordable Silver Plan


Most Affordable Gold Plan



Many other factors affect your health insurance rates, including your age, health status, location, and the number of dependents on your plan. If your employer offers sponsored health insurance plans, you may be able to save money by choosing one of those plans. The average cost of Louisiana employer-sponsored plans is $1,766 per year after the employer’s contribution.

Health insurance costs can vary widely, so it’s helpful to get a personalized quote. Contact ConsumerCoverage today for a free health insurance quote.

Types of Louisiana Health Insurance Plans

The type of insurance plan you choose will also affect the premiums and the coverage. We’ve highlighted some of the most common types of health insurance in Louisiana:


  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans have low premiums and deductibles, making them popular options. With an HMO plan, you need to have a primary care physician and you must receive in-network healthcare.
  • Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans offer more flexibility, allowing you to receive care from out-of-network providers. You also aren’t required to have a primary care physician. PPO premiums and deductibles tend to cost more than HMO plans.
  • Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans offer lower premiums and deductibles, but you will be required to receive in-network care for it to be covered. An EPO plan doesn’t require you to have a primary care physician.


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Cheap Health Insurance in Louisiana

There are several cheap or free health insurance programs in Louisiana designed for low-income individuals.

Louisiana Medicaid

The Louisiana Medicaid program offers no-cost health insurance to low-income parents, pregnant women, and others age 19 to 64. To qualify, an individual must earn $1,482 or less per month, or less than 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). An individual can also qualify by receiving Supplemental Security Income. Couples need to earn $2,004 or less per month.

There are also several programs to help others qualify for Medicaid:

  • LaHIPP helps individuals who have access to employer-sponsored health insurance qualify for Medicaid in Louisiana.
  • LaMOMs supports uninsured pregnant mothers with no-cost insurance during their pregnancy and for up to 60 days after they give birth.
  • LaCHIP provides health insurance coverage to children under age 19 who are part of a low-income house without access to affordable health insurance in Louisiana.

Medicaid Long-Term Care

Louisiana also offers Medicaid Long-Term Care to individuals who are pregnant, under age 19 or over age 64, or who are blind or permanently disabled. Individuals must make $2,382 per month or less.

How to Get Health Insurance in Louisiana

As you shop for health insurance, think about your specific healthcare needs, as well as how much coverage you may need. Take the time to compare policies so you can find the best coverage and the best price. To get started, request a free, fast quote from ConsumerCoverage today.

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Paige Cerulli Paige Cerulli is a freelance content writer and journalist who specializes in personal finance topics. She graduated from Westfield State University and brings more than a decade of professional writing experience to the ConsumerCoverage team. Paige’s work has appeared in outlets including USA Today, Business Insider, and more.


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